The Janchi Show: Episode 135

June 21, 2023

Mary continues the conversation with Nate, Patrick, and KJ. Mary talks about what it means to become the first athlete to represent South Korea in the Nathan’s Famous Hotdog Eating Contest. How can adoptees use their unique talents to make a difference in the world? Learn more about the Australia-United States Korean Rights Group and the #16for16 campaign.
• Sign the global petition to demand a US Congressional investigation into international adoptions from South Korea at:
• Follow the #16for16 campaign. Share the hashtag with your adoptee story or post a picture of you with your favorite hotdog to show your support.
• Learn more about the Australia-United States Korean Rights Group and how you can join Aussie and American adoptees in the advancement of human rights:
About The Janchi Show
Three Korean-American Adoptees talk about the Korean adoptee experience and learn more about their shared culture, usually with food. Each week adoptees from around the world join hosts Nathan Nowack, Patrick Armstrong, and KJ Roelke to talk about what makes us similar and what makes us unique. So join the party!
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