Solve Your Resolve: A Mad Libs New Year’s Resolution Game

New Year’s Resolutions, too often, are taken as corrections. We use the promise of a New Year to zero in on our faults and tell ourselves we won’t fall into the same traps we did last year. But what if, instead of focusing on ways to improve ourselves, we focused on ways to enjoy ourselves? Instead of searching for corrections, we find ways to improve the lives of others? This year, I invite you to resolve to delight, find fun, forge connections, play, imagine, laugh, and relax! Let’s begin with fun. Fill out this Mad Libs form to find the New Years Resolutions for your silliest year yet:
Seriously, Though.
After you’ve played with us, we would like to thank you with a helpful tool. Feel free to signup to download our printable New Years Resolutions planner. We hope you have the best year… EVER!

New Years Download
Achieve Your 2017 Resolutions With The Gift Of A Planner:
Cheers to 2017!!
& the Team at Eat! Be Mary!